Wednesday, June 10, 2009


All right, it’s confession time: I don’t actually own a microwave, so this post may be viewed as a bit of a cop-out because rather than doing something green, I’m not doing something un-green. Er, yeah.

Still, I think I deserve some points for this. Almost everyone I know owns one of these things, but upon moving into my apartment and going shopping for kitchen stuff, I just got applianced-out and decided I’d find some other way to heat up my food.

But people are always shocked to hear this, as though it were akin to not owning a closet or a television (actually, my friend Meghan doesn’t own a closet or a television, and as far as I know she’s still sane … although, she does live in very close proximity to CAMH).

The first question they ask is how I manage to reheat leftovers (answer: I don’t have many, and when I do, I use this crazy device called an oven); the second question they ask is how my life could possibly be worth living when I can’t have microwave popcorn (answer: believe it or not, you can still make popcorn on the stove — in fact, here’s a great recipe for a spicy-sweet cinnamon variety).

Also, I think I read somewhere that you can get cancer from standing in front of a microwave. I’m sure it was a very reputable, scientific source.

Oh, and P.S. Don’t worry Chris, this doesn’t mean I’m going to be writing posts like “I’m giving up whale meat — for good!” any time soon.

Photo courtesy of

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